Discover The Magic of Decluttering

Spring cleaning can impact mental and physical wellbeing.

Spring is a time for renewal and fresh starts. Fertile soil is pushing up flowers, green grass is sprouting and trees are budding. The sun is shining a little earlier and there’s an awaking happening outside.

Inside, historically spring cleaning meant removing the soot from wood burning stoves and oil lamps that were used to keep warm during winter.

In modern times we have much cleaner heating systems and don’t require the annual scrub down. However, it’s still a perfect time to tidy up and remove things that are no longer useful or that you don’t find to be beautiful.

Not only can a spring clean give your space a refresh, but it can also benefit your mental and physical wellbeing. Follow professional organizers on social media to get decluttering tips and spring-cleaning checklists.

Chunk it down to small areas and work room by room. Thinking about decluttering can become overwhelming and may seem too impossible to start. This task can be particularly daunting if you are not in a good headspace.  Start somewhere less cluttered and easy to do.

The less stuff you have, the less you have to manage. The more stuff you have the more time and energy is needed to keep it organized and can feel overwhelming. Removing the doom piles of paper and items you no longer use can bring a sense of Zen to your space and mind.

Improved productivity and focus. You can expect to spend less time looking for lost items and can enjoy less distractions from the visual “noise “of cluttered spaces. Just by knowing about the overstuffed closet, and drawers that cease to open and close properly, they still have a distracting influence on your thoughts.

Reduced stress levels. We all typically feel more at ease with less clutter. If everywhere you look all you see are unfinished projects and things “to do” you can lose the sense of calm in your own home versus it being a place of restoration.

Gives you more space and saves you money. Less stuff takes up less space, giving you more room to live. Having your things organized prevents you from rebuying the items you already own but can’t find.  Just think of all the treasures you’ll discover!

Improved physical fitness. By doing a regular clean, purge and tidy the average person can burn 150 – 200 calories per hour. This not only benefits your physical health but by moving your body you are creating those feel-good endorphins to benefit your mental wellbeing.

Consider the Benefits

Less distractions, improved focus, reduced stress levels and it saves you money. It’s easy to see that keeping your living space clean is worth the time and effort to benefit your overall wellness and improve relationships.

Set aside some time to plan a spring clean, you can use this as an opportunity to remove old regrets, past mistakes and any negativity that is stealing your joy. Keep your space curated with the things that you love and know to be useful.

Spring cleaning isn’t just purging and dusting, it’s about improving your whole self; mind, body and spirit.


* Statements are not evaluated by Health Canada and are not intended to provide or replace medical advice to individuals. Consult with a qualified health care provider if you have any health concerns, before initiating any new diet, exercise, supplement or other lifestyle changes.